Morning Announcements
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Morning Announcements > Posts > Monday, May 1, 2017
May 01
Monday, May 1, 2017

Announcements for Monday, May 1, 2017   
A big Cougar Pride shout out to the Grade Six band and Concert Band.  Last week, the Grade Six band performed in the NB Festival of Music in Saint John and achieved a Silver rating.  The Concert Band travelled to Halifax and performed in the Atlantic Festival of Music.  They received a GOLD standard.  Both bands represented the school well and were excellent musicians.  Congratulations!
This is a reminder of Grade Six Band after school today.
Good luck to the Varsity boys volleyball team as they host games after school today. We are looking for score keepers, if you would like to stay and help, please let Mr. Robichaud know.
The JV girls volleyball team will practice from 6-7:30pm.
Any students who are interested in drawing the Sherbrooke Phoenix logo to be displayed in the pedway up town during the QMJHL draft in June must have the drawing done by Wednesday, May 10th. Drawings are to be done on 8 ½ x 11 white paper. Your first name, last initial and the school name may be printed on the corner on the front of the paper.
Please see Mr. Nelson if you are interested in having a table at the Student Market on May 20th.
A Cougar PRIDE welcome to Laura Bentley from U d’ M, who will be with us for the next three weeks doing an internship with Mme Dow.


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